It is definitely an amazing combination of nutrients of nourishing element for our hair. Even though you might even see results after first don’t except for permanent hair solution, use this twice each week for 4 weeks.
To get this to, you will require following Ingredients :
- 1 Egg (Yellow part only)
- 1 tablespoon honey
- 2 Tablespoons Castor oil
Mix these components till your recieve an yellow colored homogeneous solution. Now Apply this combination on you scalp and massage your scalp with fingers 5 minutes. Take purses mix and spread it evenly against your hairs. Let it sit for 3-4 hours until it fully dries.
After that wash you hair using cold water first, rinse this mix by you hair and continue wash with your regular shampoo.
This mask will polish the hair to shine and give nourishment on scalp to build thicker and stronger black hairs.